NBU Journal of Plant Sciences, Vol. 10, No. 01

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    ItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of streptomyces and non-streptomyces actinomycetes isolates for growth promotion in Vigna radiata and their use as biocontrol agent against Sclerotium rolfsii
    (University of North Bengal, 2016-03) Ray, Pushpanjali; Chakraborty, Arka Pratim; Chakraborty, Bishwanath
    Two streptomyces (ARHS/PO26 and ARHS/PO27) and two non streptomyces (ARHS/Mn3 and ARHS/Mn7) actinomycetes isolates obtained from the rhizosphere soil of Solanum tuberosum and Mangifera indica were found to be phosphate solubilizers and showed antagonistic activity against Sclerotium rolfsii. Isolates ARHS/PO26 and ARHS/PO27 were identified morphologically and confirmed by the National Centre for Fungal Taxonomy, as Streptomyces griseus (NCFT 2578.08; NAIMCC-B-00916) and Streptomyces griseolus (NCFT 2579.08). ARHS/Mn 3 and Streptomyces griseolus (ARHS/PO27) could inhibit 68% and 59.7% growth of Sclerotium rolfsii in vitro. In vivo evaluation of the isolates ARHS/Mn 3, Streptomyces griseolus (ARHS/PO27) and Streptomyces griseus (ARHS/PO26) showed maximum growth promotion on Vigna radiata by enhancing key defense enzymes like chitinase, Ī²-1,3-glucanase, phenylalanine ammonia lyase and peroxidase. The results emphasize the fact that soil actinomycetes could be used as potential biocontrol agents.
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    ItemOpen Access
    Prevalence of begomoviruses associated with tomato leaf curl disease in the sub-Himalayan plains of West Bengal
    (University of North Bengal, 2016-03) Karmakar, A.; Chakraborty, P.; Sarkar, T.; Das, S.; Saha, A.; Saha, D.; Saha, A.
    Tomato is a solanaceous crop and one of the most economically important vegetables in the world. India ranks second in total production of tomato in the world. It has been referred to as a ā€œfunctional foodā€, a food that goes beyond providing just basic nutrient. To LCD is one of the major constraints to tomato production in India. To study the disease incidence of tomato, a survey was made in the tomato crop growing fields of Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri, Coochbehar and Uttar Dinajpur districts of sub-Himalayan West Bengal during December 2015 to February 2016 and several infected and healthy leaf samples were collected based on the morphological symptoms like-vein cleaning, leaf curling, leaf deformations and stunted growth of plants. Disease incidence ranged from 70% to 86.66% of the collected samples from different districts. All the samples collected from the present study area were tested by PCR with DengA and DengB primer and expected amplicon of Ģ“ 530bp was found. Two randomly selected PCR positive samples were sequence and analyzed (Acc. Nos KX108859 and KX108860). The SLG-1 isolate (Acc. No. KX108859) showed 95 % nt identity with ToLCKV (Acc. No. KP178730) and the ISL-1 isolate (Acc. No. KX108860) showed 96% nt identity with ToLCNDV (Acc. No. KC513822). The threat of begomoviral spread to the north-eastern part of India has been taken into consideration.
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    ItemOpen Access
    Comparative analysis of antioxidant activities and phytochemical properties of some culinary herbs
    (University of North Bengal, 2016-03) Dev Chaudhuri, Sandip; Shah, Anju; Chakraborty, Usha
    The present work aimed to evaluate the antioxidant activities as well as phytochemical analysis of leaf extracts of some commonly used leafy spices such as Murraya koenigi (Mk), Coriandrum sativum (Cs), Trigonella foenum-graecum (Tfg) and Mentha x piperita (Mp). Lyophilised plant extracts (LPEs) were obtained by hot water extraction (HWE) process followed by rotavap and lyophilisation. Among the herbs tested, Mk showed the highest antioxidant activity in DPPH Scavenging (77.35 % mg-1 of LPE), superoxide anion radical scavenging (60.21 % mg-1 of LPE) and hydrogen peroxide scavenging (57.21 % mg-1 of LPE) model. Tfg showed least activity in DPPH scavenging (33.15 % mg-1 of LPE) and superoxide anion radical scavenging (25.36 % mg-1 of LPE) assay while Cs had the least activity in hydrogen peroxide scavenging (43.70 % mg-1 of LPE) system. Phytochemical investigations revealed the presence of major primary and secondary metabolites. MK possessed highest amount of phenolics (5.70 mg GAE g-1 of LPE), soluble sugars (68.18 mg GLE g-1 of FTW) and proteins (69.84 mg BSAE g-1 of FTW) and plant pigments (total chlorophyll 6.22 mg g-1 of FTW and total carotenoid 0.19 Ī¼g g-1 of FTW) among the herbs. SDS-PAGE and HPLC finger printing had been performed for analysis of protein patterns and phenolic compounds respectively. In conclusion, addition of culinary herbs and leafy spices that show high to moderate antioxidant activity with an excellent amount of phytochemicals in dietary items would go a long way in assuring human health and wellness as well as enhancement of the disease fighting capacity against oxidative stress related disorders.
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    ItemOpen Access
    In vitro production of diarrhoeal enterotoxin by Bacilus cereus isolates from milk and dairy products
    (University of North Bengal, 2016-03) Kumari, Sarita; Sarkar, Prabir K.
    Bacilius cereus is a great safety concern for dairy industry as it is associated with incidences of food poisoning by producing enterotoxins. In the present study, growth temperature profile and enterotoxin production potental of 144 strains of Bacalus cereus isolated from milk and dairy products were investigated. Out of them, 107 (74.36) were able to grow at s7 oC. Presence of such a large number of psychrotolerant/psychotrophic strains in dairy environment is of major concern mainly because of their potential for growth, spoilage and ton production in chilled products. Out of 144 isolates, 134 (93%) exhibited haemalysis. While 98% of the solates from milk and 899% from. cheese were positive for diarhoeal enterotoxin, all the isolates from milk powder, ice cream, paneer and butter were positive. The prevalence of potent producers of enterotoxin among dairy isolates pases a high health risk.
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    ItemOpen Access
    In vivo seed germination and seedling morphology of Phoenix dactylifera L. and Phoenix sylvestris (L) Roxb
    (University of North Bengal, 2016-03) Mondal, Sujit; Chowdhury, Anurag; Basu, S.K; Chowdhury, Monoranjan
    A comparative study of Phoenix dactylitera L. and Phoenix sylvestris (L) Roxb. has been done in the Medicinal Plant Garden in North Bengal University. The germination status of mature seeds of two species in vivo condition was recorded. It was seen that Phoenix dactylifera prefers natural pH (45.5) where as Phoenix sylvestris orefer acidic soil with pH (6-7). During this study total seed output, times of germination, first aerial lea veneration pattem and reproductive capacity were calculated.
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    ItemOpen Access
    Nitric oxide and calcium signalling in plants under salinity stress and their crosstalk - A Review
    (University of North Bengal, 2016-03) Gupta, S.K.; Mandal, P.
    Salinity is considered as one of the major factor affecting the crop production throughout the world. The oxidative stress induced by salinity can retard plant growth and yield as major part of energy is wasted on conserving water and improving ionic balance. The free radicals produced during stress are considered to be a major factor for most of the damages as these free radicals attack vital biomolecules such as lipids, protein and carbohydrates which are the basic requirements of almost all physiological and developmental processes. Understanding the mechanism of stress tolerance along with the involvement of important signalling molecules in stress signalling network is essential for crop improvement. Likewise, the two signalling molecules nitric oxide and calcium ion have been reported to be actively involved in upregulation of various stress response mechanism thus indicating the existence of a possible cross talk among these molecules and other associated pathways. In this review, emphasis was given on the impact of salinity and oxidative stress mediated damages on plant system. Additionally, the role of nitric oxide and calcium ion as signalling molecules in response to stress signals and their implication in mitigation of salinity stress has also been discussed.
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    ItemOpen Access
    Rice research in the high-throughput sequencing era: Genomic breeding Rice breeding for better health
    (University of North Bengal, 2016-03) Roy, Subhas Chandra
    Rice [ Oryza sativa L.] is the most important cereal crop belongs to the family Poaceae (Grass) which provide staple food for half of the World's population (>3.3 billion). This staple food grain (rice) supplies the main energy resource providing 40-75% of the daily calorie intake to the world's poor people. It is equ ivalent to the proposition that 'Rice is life' in Asian continent because 90% people dependent on for their sustainable livelihood. Simultaneously Asia is considered as 'Rice Basket' because it produces 90% of the world's production (662 million tons, paddy rice, Mt). Total world production was 729 Mt from '154.3 million hectares with productivity of 4.1 tons/hectare (t/ha) in 2012 of which 662 million tons produced by Asian countries. Rice production has been doubled in the recent decades (1960s-1990s) during the tim~ of Green Revolution (1960s) primarily as the result of genetic improvement. It was factual that the varieties released in theĀ· last 30 years in the farmers field, had a narrow genetic base in-spite of high genetic diversity prevailed in the rice germplasm, and yield enhancing capacity has reached to plateau. We need more production of rice to feed 9 Billion people in 2050. Breeder could manage the yield increase over released varieties through genetic gain by combining the yield related genes/QTLs from various genetic resources of rice germplasms either from cultivated local landraces or from wild varieties. Germplasm diversity is the mainstay for crop improvement and genetic dissection of complex traits. Rice germplasm shows tremendous genetic diversity in both within the species and among the varietal groups. This genetic diversity may be associated with the diverse allel~ of important traits and can be exploited to introgress these traits using knowledge of molecular breeding techniques such as marker assisted breeding (MAB) or marker assisted selection (MAS). The Next Generation Sequencing based technology is used for whole genome analysis to unveil the genetic and genomic infor'mation pertaining to important traits for advancing the molecular breeding procedures to increase the production. That ultimately leads to the development of genomic breeding and genomic selection to accelerate the breeding process.
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    ItemOpen Access
    Copper toxicity In plants: a review and a case study on tea
    (University of North Bengal, 2016-03) Saha, Dlpanwita; Mandal, Sima
    Copper in trace amounts is essential for various metabollc processes In the plant such as photosynthes is, ..:arbohydra te distribution, and protein metabolism but at high concentration it causes physiological stress through genera tion of free radicals that Induce the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) via Haber \ i\1eiss and Fenton reactions . Copper-Induced generation of hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radicals, or other react!\~ oxygen species has been directly .correlated with the damage to protein and lipids that may lead to reduced growth and even death. Tea ( Camellia sinensls (L.) O. Kuntze) is an economically important plantation crop in India w ith round the year productivity. Copper based fungicides are cheap and effective i n controlling funga l diseases and are used consistently throughout the year to combat different fungal diseases that pose a major threat to tea production. Excess Cu 2 + has been found to alter several physiochemical parameters in the tea plants. A more detailed study on mechanisms of Cu 2+ toxicity at the gene level is warranted.