NBU Journal of Plant Sciences, Vol. 04

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    ItemOpen Access
    Genetic relatedness between some saprophytic and parasitic macrofungi of Darjeeling Hills
    (University of North Bengal, 2010-03) Chakraborty, BN; Dey, P L; Shankar, R; Adhikari, J; Lama, D
    Eight dominant saprophytic and parasitic macro fungi collccted from Darjeeling hills [N 26°31’ 27.13 – E 87-59’ -88.53'] of North Bengal region were studied using internal transcribe space (ITS) and RAPD PCR, rDNA region of saprophytic and parasitic macro fungi with ITS1 and ITS4 primers produced range between 400-800bp products. The genetic relatedness among these macro fungi were analyzed with four random primers. RAPD profiles showed genetic diversity among the isolates with the formation of two clusters. Analysis of dendrogram revealed that similarity coefficient ranged from 0.34-0.86.
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    ItemOpen Access
    Solubilization of rock phosphate by Azotobacter spp
    (University of North Bengal, 2010-03) Mukhopadhyay, Arijit; Pal, Ramhari; Mandal, Narayan C.
    To find out a potent phosphate solubilizing strain of diazotrophs, fifteen Azotobacter strains were isolated from local sources. They have been tested for the ability to solubilize rock phosphate in vitro and production of acid in the medium. Almost all the strains solubilized rock phosphate which ranged up to 45.5%. Azotobacter sp. R12 was found to be a potent one, which solubilized 30 to 46% phosphate from different rock phosphates. Almost maximum solubilization of P and acid production was achieved at four days of growth of the organism. The strain produced ascorbic acid in the culture medium, the primary cause of rock phosphate solubilization. Addition of (NH4)2S04 in the culture medium reduced the solubilization of phosphate with increasing concentration beyond 0.25 mg/ml for Jordon rock phosphate. Increasing concentration of CaCl2 and CaCO3 also reduced the P solubilization from Jordon rock phosphate by the strain. Kinetics of solubilization and acid production showed a linear relationship till the 5th day of incubation, then P level becomes static. Adding EDTA at 5 mg/ml as chelating agent of calcium ions to 5 days old culture increased the P solubilization to 81%. Increasing EDTA concentration in 3 days old culture showed linear relationship between concentration of EDTA and P solubilization.
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    ItemOpen Access
    Bioinformatics of codon usage pattern in pathogenic proteobacteria Burkholderia mallei
    (University of North Bengal, 2010-03) Ghosh, Manash K; Bothra, Asim K; Sen, Arnab
    Burkholderia mallei are pathogenic gram negative ß Proteobacteria those are available in Africa, Asia, Middle East, Central and South America and abundantly known as the causal organism of glanders. In this study, the synonymous patterns of four Burkholderia mallei (Burkholderia mallei ATCC 23344, Burkholderia mallei NCTC 10229, Burkholderia mallei NCTC 10247, Burkholderia mallei SAVP1) genome were compared and analyzed to each other. It was observed that Burkholderia mallei have high G+C content and moderately biased. Using cogon adaptation index (CAI) as a numerical estimator of gene expression level where ribosomal protein coding genes were considered as a reference of highly expressed genes. Here, we also studied the functional analysis of the PHX genes, gene expression level correspondence analysis and horizontally transferred pathogenicity related genes activity. COGs are also associated with metabolism especially those linked to carbohydrate metabolism and amino acid transport.
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    ItemOpen Access
    DNA and its bending: a glimpse of mechanism and implication in bacteriology
    (University of North Bengal, 2010-03) Mukherjee, Sayani; Dam, Bomba; Sen, Sukannta K
    The doub le hdkol DN A s lrurturc vorlcs from one s pecie., to oth er. Donel DNA Is nl so ovn llnblc In the cell. Bending is c.xprcs$c
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    ItemOpen Access
    Phytochemical screening and in vitro evaluation of crude extracts of moss Funaria hygrometrica (Funariaceac) for potential antibacterial activity
    (University of North Bengal, 2010-03) Khanam, Shabna; Chaudhary, BL
    Traditionally bryophytes are known to possess some bioactive components and, therefore, used throughout the world as drugs and remedies to cure various diseases. In the present study, bioassay for antibacterial activities was carried out using whole plant of Funaria hygrometrica Hedw. Different solvent fractions and aqueous extracts of this moss were obtained and dried in vacuum. Antibacterial effect of these fractions was determined by disc diffusion technique on different human pathogenic gram positive bacteria ie Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus, gram negative bacteria i.e. Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The result was then compared with the standard antibiotic streptomycin. Both the aqueous and organic crude extracts showed considerable activity against all the bacteria but maximum antibacterial activity was observed in ethanol extract against Staphylococcus aureus. The phytochemical analysis of the extract indicated the presence of steroid, flavonoids, alkaloids starch and oil.
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    ItemOpen Access
    In vitro antioxidant activity of two edible Timbur fruits of Darjeeling Himalaya
    (University of North Bengal, 2010-03) Ghosal, Mitali; Mandal, Palash
    Frec radicals are implicated for many chronic, painful and near-fatal diseases including Diabetes mellitus, arthritis, cancer, apoptosis, neurodegenerative disorders etc. In treatment of these discases, antioxidant therapy has gained an utmost importance and current rescarch is now directed towards finding naturaly occurring antioxidants of plant origin. Edible Timburs namely Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC. and Litsea cubeba (Loureiro) Persoon are traditionally usced as spices in different Nepali recipes. In the present study, the fruits of these plants were extracted with aqucous methanol (1:4) to examinc the in vitro antioxidant property, phenol content and phytochemical constituents. The scavenging activities on DPPH free radicals, superoxide anions and per-oxidized lipid molecules were determined as well as the flavonoid and phenolic constitucnts of the extracts. The extracts exhibited significant scavenging activity towards DPPH free radicals and high anti-lipid peroxidation values duc to the presence of relatively high total phenol contents. Also, these spices contain a vast array of different phytochemicals in their dry form. These results suggest that both Zanthoxylum acanthopodium and Litsea cubeba fruits are endowed with antioxidant phytochemicals and could serve as basal ingredients for nutraceutical formulations.
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    ItemOpen Access
    Regulation of trehalose metabolism by protein methylation in a mutant strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
    (University of North Bengal, 2010-03) Basistha, Bipasha; Ghosh, Anil K.; Ghosh, Sumita
    Trechaloseis a non reducing disaccharide occurring in a wide range of organisms, from bacteria, yeast, to lower and higher plants and insects. It is economically important as a potent stress protectant, protein and biological membrane stabilizer: hence biosynthesis of trchalose is an extremely important event. Regulation of trehalose metabolism by protein methylation has been reported from previous works of this laboratory. Trehalose metabolism was monitored during different stages of growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. HPLC and enzymatic determination of trehalose. glucose, trehalose 6 phosphate phosphatase TPP) and trehalose 6 phosphate synthase (TPS) were carried out. It was noticed that trchalose, glucose TPP and TPS pcaked at Aso20 during growth but during this period the hydrolyzing enzymes, acid trehalase (AT) and neutral trehalase (NT) are found to be low. Effect of a potent universal methyl group donor S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet), and a methylation inhibitor, oxidized adenosine (Adox) on trehalose metabolism has been studied. Trehalose metabolism is altered when YPD grown cells were incubated for I hr in presence of cither 1 mM Adox or AdoMet at 30'C and pH 6.0 TPS showed a slight increase in specific activity in cells incubated with AdoMet over Adox. Trehalose level of Adox treated cells were seen to be lower than control throughout the period of incubation. Trehalose level initially decreased upto 4 hours in all the sets by utilizing pre-synthesized trehalose, thereafter the AdoMet incubated cells showed sharp increase in trehalose content, in 8 hours 3 fold, in 24 hours nearly 5 fold with respect to others. At the point of 48 hours, cells reached stationary phase in all sets and trehalose level was found to increase.
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    ItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of genetic variation among fourteen rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties (Landraces) of North Bengal using morphological traits
    (University of North Bengal, 2010-03) Roy, Subhas Ch.; Rakshit, Dipayan; Sengupta, Sandeepan
    The Northem region (North Bengal) of West Bengal possesses a rich genctic diversity of rice (Oryza sativa L).This region is known for growing one important rice variety Tulaipanji with GI number in the district of North Dinajpur and many other varieties of local landraces with tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses. A considerable range of diversity and variation exists among the genetic resources of rice landraces of North Bengal. Prominent fourteen (14) landraces such as Sadanunia, Kalonunia, Dhepi, Banni, Dudkalam, Malsira, Lalpanati, Bhadoi, Ashami, and Gobindabhog, Enda, Chenga, Katharibhog, Tulaipanji are known for their special quality attributes were collected from the different districts of North Bengal. Genetic variation among these landraces was characterized by means of morphological traits such as seed sizes, shape, volume, colour, awn character, surface texture with husk (Microscopic observation) and pericurp colour. The Karl Pearson's simple matching coefficient was used to calculate the genetic diversity among the varieties. Similarity coefficient was ranged from 0.94 to 0.64 with an average of 0.79 among the 14 varieties. Clusier analysis based on genetic similarity of these varieties gave rise to three distinct groups The results suggested that the level of genetic diversity within this group of rice varieties of North Bengal was suficient for brecding programs and can be used to establish genetic relationships among them on the basis of morphological traits.
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    ItemOpen Access
    Bacillus megaterium mediated growth promotion and biological control of crown rot disease of Oncidium incited by Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc.
    (University of North Bengal, 2022-03) Basnet, M; Tongden, C; Chakraborty, U; Chakraborty, BN
    Plant viruses cause severe diseases leading to enormous crop loss. The present day viral researches of economic plants are centered on identification of virus, molecular characterization and management of viral discases. Till date more than thousand viruses have been classified into several families. It is desirable to know about the different virus families along with their type genus and/or important genus. But due to an enormous volume of literature published on this aspect, it becomes difficult to study all of them. Hence the present review has highlighted the salient features of the major plant viruses which have been classified at the family level. Most of the virus families have been discussed with important/type genus of each family. Some viruses which could not be placed in any family have been grouped as 'no family". Importance of molecular data, immunological data and data on protein configuration of coat proteins along with bioinformatics and its predictive power have been highlighted.
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    ItemOpen Access
    Time-course accumulation of metabolites and expression of antioxidative enzymes in Glycine max under temperature stress
    (University of North Bengal, 2010-03) Pradhan, D; Chakraborty, U
    The development of molecular techniques for genetic analysis has led to a great increase in our knowledge of plant genetics and our understanding of the structure and behaviour of plant genome. During last three decades, several powerful DNA based marker technologies have been developed for the assessment of genetic diversities and molecular marker assisted breeding technology. In plant systems, the prospects of DNA profiling and fingerprinting is becoming indispensable in the context of establishment of molecular phylogeny, assessment of somaclonal variants, characterization of plant genomics, marker- based gene tags, map-based cloning of agronomically important genes, variability studies, synteny mapping, marker-assisted selection of desirable genotypes etc. In this review article, various molecular markers are reviewed with emphasis on specific areas of their application in higher plants.