NBU Journal of Plant Sciences, Vol. 08, No. 01

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    ItemOpen Access
    Propagation of Ginkgo biloba Linnaeus through air-layering in tropical conditions of West Bengal, India
    (University of North Bengal, 2014-03) Choudhury, Dibakar; Das, A. P.
    Ginkgo biloba Linnaeus (Ginkgoaceac), the maidenhair tree, is recognizably similar to fossils dating back to 270 million years. It is variously used in traditional medicine and as an ornamental plant. Almost no or little attentiíon is given in India regarding its cultivation, conservation and management. The present study established the air-layering technique for the vegetative propagation of the species. As much as 80% of air layering has successfully developed roots. This is a low cost and short duration method through which good number of plants can be produced in tropical conditions, which are expected to be better resistant to different odds and can survive on their own roots.