NBU Journal of Plant Sciences, Vol. 12

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Understanding the functional attributes of different microbial enzymes in bioremediation
    (University of North Bengal, 2020-03) Malakar, Neha; Mitra, Sreya; Toppo, Prabha; Mathur, Piyush
    Bioremediation uses biological organisms and their metabolic processes in order to degrade contaminants present in water, soil etc. Microbes have the vast potential are the major resource for bioprocess of using microbial enzymes reduces the toxicity of pollutants caused by the waste materials like pesticides, insecticides, plastics, other hydrocarbon-containing substances and obtain novel useful substances for mankind and the environment. Enzymes produced by bacteria, fungi, plants play a key role in the biodegradation of toxic organic compounds. The purpose of bioremediation processes that will an eco-friendly and cost-effective mechanism. The aim is to develop an advanced technique in bioprocesses that will help to minimize toxin risk and thereby acquire new, usable substances. Some of the bioremediation-related compounds like oxidoreductases hydrolases, dioxygenase, peroxidases, and laccase are most widely considered. The aim of the review is to express the role of microbial enzymes on the bioremediation of toxic, hazardous environmental pollutants.