Journal of Political Studies, Vol. 06

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It is a great pleasure for me as the Head of the Department of Political Science and also as the editor of the volume to place before the readers the fifth issue of the ‘Journal of Political Studies’ which is published annually by the Department of Political Science, University of North Bengal. This volume like that of the previous issues contains commentaries on some critical issues, research articles and book reviews. The articles in the volume are the most interesting one and form the bulk of the reading. The articles are on diverse issues on contemporary Indian and International politics ranging from politics of personal laws in India, India’s Look East Policy, Kashmir issue, Korea’s emergence as a power, the condition of Lepchas in Darjeeling and the demand for Separate Development Board etc. Most of the articles come from young Indian scholars who are energetic and enthusiastic, and the publication of their articles in the volume will contribute significantly to the building up of their academic moral. In future I am sure that the scholars will contribute more to the discipline by way of research publications. The books reviewed are books published very recently and not reviewed elsewhere by the author. I am sure that given the quality of the articles the volume will provide some interesting and thoughtful reading.

Arnn K. Jana


Disclaimer: Views expressed in the articles are the personal opinions of the contributors and are in no sense official. Neither the Journal of Political Studies nor the editor is responsible for them.