NBU Journal of Plant Sciences, Vol. 05, No. 01

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    ItemOpen Access
    An ethno-medicobotanical investigation among Rava tribe of Jalpaiguri district
    (University Of North Bengal, 2011-03) Bose, Debadin
    This work deals with the ethnomedicobotanical use of various plant species by Rava community residing in Jalpaiguri district. This kind of approach is rather sporadic not only in this region but also to other parts of the India. Here ethnomedicinal uses of 41 selected plant species, which are generally used by the Rava people, have been described. This study reveals some interesting information about the mode of the use ot these plants which may form the basis of primary health care system of Rava community. This knowledge would be an excellent addition to the current knowledge of folk medicine and may opens a new horizon in the field of ethnobotany and ethnomedicine.