NBU Journal of Plant Sciences, Vol. 05, No. 01

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    ItemOpen Access
    Domestication of some wild edible plants in Barail range of Assam: a case study
    (University Of North Bengal, 2011-03) Nath, KK; Deka, P; Nath, D; Borthakur, SK
    Aboriginal societies have their own approaches in managing their resources. Assam is one of the states of Northeast India with both biological and ethnic diversity. Generally aboriginal societies have been living in complete harmony with natural surroundings. They have their own notions, beliefs and way of sustainable utilization and conserving the plant resources. They are the custodians of much useful information regarding plant resources in the form of oral folklore. The present communication deals with 24 little known wild plant species, which have been conserving in the vicinity of the villages through domestication and/or restricted cultivation for their tubers, stems, leaves, inflorescences or fruits by the Dimasa. The Hmar, the Zeme Naga and the Kuki tribes of Barail Range in Dima Hasao (North Cachar Hills) district of Assam. The initiatives of the ethnic groups of the area are very significant from conservation point of view especially of wild plant genetic resources.