NBU Journal of Plant Sciences, Vol. 05, No. 01
Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://ir.nbu.ac.in/handle/123456789/4434
Item Open Access Antifungal and antiprotozoal activity of some members of Rubiaceae-a review(University of North Bengal, 2011-03) Dutta Choudhury, Katyayani; Dutta Choudhury, ManabendraThe Rubiaceae is the largest and most popularly known woody plant family in the wet tropics and subtropics. It contains approximately 13,200 species in 660 genera, some of the species having ethno medicinal significance and reported to possess a wide range of medicinal practices. Some of the important genera belonging to the family are Coffea, Rubia, Cinchona, Uncaria, Gardenia, Hedyotis, Morinda, Mitragyna, Oldenlandia, xora, etc, having used by traditional peoples in curing various diseases and reported to be used as antimicrobials, antioxidants, antifeedants, analgesics, antivenomous and also found to play roles in hepatoprotection and activity against tumour formation. The review paper deals with the presert status of the family Rubiaceae being used as antifungals and antiplasmoidals and the chemical constituents investigated till date showing bioactive principles against various pathogenic fungi and protozoan. Literature survey reveals that only 35 plants have been investigated to possess antifungal properties and 22 have been reported to be used as antiplasmoidals out of 660 genera of Rubiaceac.