Indian Journal of Law and Justice, Vol. 04, No. 02

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Globalization is understood as the diminution or elimination of stateenforced restrictions on exchanges across borders and the increasingly integrated and complex global system of production and exchange that has emerged as a result. Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, Legal domain, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world.

There is significant change in legal education from pre Globalization to past Globalization era. An era has dawned where specialization, computerization, electronic media, internet, consumerism, foreign investments, mergers and takeover, insurances etc. are becoming the order of the day. Arrival of Multi- national corporations, private banks including foreign banks, Non-resident Indians etc. are throwing up new challenges before the field of trade and commerce.

The legal understandings which were unaware of these intricacies of human behavior in a market driven society now are showing their emergence in legal education in India. Many new and exciting branches of legal education have started hitting hard in legal framework. Before Globalization and melting down of international boundaries it all seemed very unrealistic but in this free and developing world legal education has donned an entirely new face which one couldn’t think of earlier. So many new activities have been planted in legal journey like new subjects, extracurricular activities, internships in law firms’ international and national both. In pre Globalized era not much emphasis was given on legal education. Law as a subject was treated as a last option for students when they couldn’t get fixed in any other field. There were not many institutions which particularly deal with legal education it was a side way stream. No proper framework was there to further the cause of legal students.

But as the Globalization took over the charge and got recognition through the development of economies all over the park and played a central role in landing almost all the countries in one stage so much so that now it is felt that there should be uniform law everywhere. At the beginning the main concern was to have effective classroom teaching or theoretical classes but gradually with advancement and better understanding of hydra headed law and multifaceted opportunities at global front introduction of clinical legal education, Moot Court, Internships, extension programmes, case law studies in the curriculum has taken place. This has created a difference in the outlook of the students, Pains are taken at the Department of Law to better acquaint with interpretation of law which is applied by judges in deciding cases and this has made a huge forward leap in their reasoning capability of the students. With these happenings legal education has progressed in big way and was largely influenced by international standards. Today the Department has an integrated vision of legal education which is stretching its wings every passing day. Special attention is now paid and continuous efforts at research and publication. Publish or perish is the mantra of the day and the UGC promoted Academic Performance Index [API] is the driving force for publishing for the young teachers and the aspiring teachers. Possessing a Ph. D degree and/ or qualifying in NET is not sufficient, one must have sufficient number of publications in peer reviewed refereed journals. Such journals are very few in number.

The Indian Journal of Law and Justice, with its regularity fills a gap and provides an platform to the young teachers and students to research and publish. It is a small endeavour of the Department of Law to contribute to the cause of legal education.

Prof. Gangotri Chakraborty
Chief Editor


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