Journal of Political Studies, Vol. 07

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As the editor of the ‘Journal of POLITICAL STUDIES’ it is a matter of great pleasure to me to place before the readers the seventh issue of the journal which is published annually by the Department of Political Science, University of North Bengal. Contribution for the volume was invited through advertisements in the ‘Economic and Political Weekly’ and the ‘Mainstream’. All together 33 articles were received in response to the advertisements out of which 7 articles were selected for publication in the current (March 2013) issue of the Journal and 6 for the October 2013 issue. It has been resolved by the Department Committee to make the journal a biannual one, from the financial year 2013-2014. Hence the next issue Volume 7 that will be published shortly will be the October 2013 issue.
This issue contains a commentary and 6 research articles. There are no book reviews in the issue. The articles in the volume are the most interesting one and form the bulk of the reading. The articles are on diverse issues like Ethno-Regional Movements at the Sub-State Level, Caste Marginalization and Resistance, the socio economic profile of a depressed Community in Darjeeling Hills, the emerging leadership of Rural Women In new Panchayats, Liberal State and Multiculturalism, Development, Induced Displacement and rehabilitation etc. Most of the articles come from young Indian scholars. It is also a pleasure to state that out of the seven articles that are being published in the issue four belong to research scholars of the Department. In future I am sure that the scholars will contribute more. I am sure that given the quality of the articles the volume will provide some interesting and thoughtful reading.

Arun K. Jana


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