Journal of Political Studies, Vol. 12

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Welcome to the combined issue of our Journal-of Political Studies, March-October, 2016. We are sorry to be behind the schedule and hence this combined publication of March and October issues. Nothing in defense of the delay except that we have been waiting for contributions that might interest our readers and we chose not to be timely with hackneyed themes. We have in this issue ten research papers and two book reviews. They range from field based accounts to analytical studies, from studies . on political parties through cultural studies to citizenship issues. We sincerely hope there is something for everyone interested in politics. With fraternal regards,

Soumitra De


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    ItemOpen Access
    Is Democracy Threatened by Political Parties? The Case of Islamic Republic of Pakistan
    (University of North Bengal, 2016) Biswas, Anandita
    In Pakistan, political parties are mechanisms instrumentalized by the military rulers and powerful elites for political manipulation and strategic circumvention. Pakistan has failed to firmly entrench a coherent and ingenuous party system. Due to lack of institutional deepening, Pakistan’s macro and micro trajectory are highly dependent on the whims and fancies of the individual who happens to be in charge. Political parties suffer internal deficiencies, undemocratic structures and practices, defection, factionalism and top-heavy leadership. Yet, people of Pakistan have not given up democracy. This paper analyses why democracy has failed to establish root into the Pakistani soil and the prime hindrances in the trajectory of blossoming of democratic norms and values.
Disclaimer: Views expressed In the articles are the personal opinions of the contributors and are In no sense official. Neither the Journal of Political Studies nor the editor Is responsible for them.