Relativistic compact stellar model describing anisotropic stars
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University of North Bengal
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In this paper, we have derived a class of analytical solutions of Einstein field equations for a
spherically symmetric anisotropic matter distribution. By choosing one of the metric potentials
grr to be Krori-Barua metric type and a specific choice of anisotropy we obtain the other metric
function. The interior solutions thus obtained has been utilized to construct a potentially stable
model that could describe compact stellar objects. The exterior vacuum region has been assigned
with the Schwarzschild spacetime metric. Across the boundary of the compact star where the radial
pressure drops to zero, the interior metric has been matched smoothly with the exterior metric to fix
the model parameters associated with the solutions. All the regularity conditions, energy conditions
and all other physical requirements demanded for a realistic compact system has been shown to
satisfy graphically with this model corresponding to the pulsars 4U1820 - 30 (Mass= l.58M0 and
radius= 9.1 km) [1] and Gen X - 3 (Mass= l.49M0 and radius= 10.136 km)[2]. The stability
of the model is also discussed using some of the known stability criterion namely TOV equation,
adiabatic index, Buchdahl condition and Herrera's cracking concept etc. The wide applicability of
our developed model has been justified with the numerical values of current observational data set
from various other known compact stars to a high degree of accuracy.