Choudhury, MunDhar Sarkar, Madhumita2023-06-272023-06-272023-030976-3570 Violence against the women is an age-old reality which is being inflicted upon women irrespective of age, caste and religion. Domestic violence can take the form of physical, sexual, emotional or psychological abuse by an intimate partner or former partner. Many women till date faces intimate partner violence behind the closed doors in our Indian society. Domestic Violence is a universal issue and it is a direct violation of women’s basic human rights. The feminist movement have played a major role in demands for legislative actions, changes in laws and criminal procedures and the sensitization of police and judiciary for the protection of women from domestic violence. Existence of domestic violence is morally unjustifiable and has a far deeper impact than the immediate harm caused on women. India implemented its first law i.e., The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence, 2005 to curb domestic violence.enDomestic ViolenceTypes of AbuseVictimAggrieved PersonRespondentProvisionNOTES AND COMMENTS Protection of Women from Domestic Violence: Legal Challenges and IssuesIndian Journal of Law and Justice, Vol. 14, No. 01, March-2023, pp. 343-357Article