Raha, Sylvia2020-10-202020-10-2031-03-20202348-6538https://ir.nbu.ac.in/handle/123456789/3581G. S.Ghurye, one of the founders of Indian Sociology, wrote on an unconventional subject like “Indian Costume”, which bears relevance to the study of aesthetics and fashion in modern India. Taking cues from Ghurey’s ideas the present paper will highlight the underneath meaning of wearing ornaments on women’s body. Since the time of Indus Valley Civilization Indians have developed a rich culture of making, trading and wearing ornaments for different parts of the body to beautify and celebrate the human body. A costume, as Ghurye defines, is to cover and protect the body and the design of costumes attracts the attention of the viewer. Parallel to this, ornaments not only serve to please the eyes of the beholder but also fulfil a sense of aesthetic pleasure of the wearer. Thus, this article will highlight the relation between body and ornaments.enOrnamentsBody imageAestheticsCostumeFashionBody and ornaments : reflection on ghurye’s perspectiveSocial Trends, Vol. 7, 31-March-2020, pp. 225-231Article