Chakraborty, Ranjita2021-03-042021-03-0420162278-4039 on citizenship ---not just meaning the right to carry a specific passport but encapsulating the relationship between the individual, state and society has become a major point of discussions both within the domain of academia as well as outside. Throughout the history, the concept has been defined variously and there exists no fixed definition.The paper would concentrate on the debate by focusing on citizenship provisions in the Constitution of India with particular focus on Article 35A and Art.370 of the Constitution of India and critically look into the positions taken by the Government of India and the political party leaders in Jammu and Kashmir. The provisions have been debated upon centering on the issue of violation of the Constitution of India and the fundamental rights as promised to the citizens of India by the supreme law of the land. As history is dynamic it is essential to engage in a constructive dialogue so that inclusive citizenship can be realized. The paper would delineate the major arguments in the debate and try to propose some guiding premises along the lines of which a revision could be worked out whereby particularities are protected but the universality of citizenship is also promoted.enCitizenshipRightsArt. 35AArt. 370Gender inequalityDemocratic practiceDenial of rightsInterrogating the Citizenship Question in India: Debating Article 35A and Article 370Journal of Political Studies, Vol. 12, March-October-2016, pp. 01-24Article