Mandal, SimaSaha, AniruddhaSaha, Dipanwita2022-06-072022-06-072013-030974-6927 (Camellia sinensis L. (0.) Kuntze) is an economically important plantation crop of India but is prone to attack by several fungal pathogens. Copper based fungicides are being used for decades to control fungal disease in tea which may lead to accumulation of copper in the soil. The aim of the present work was to investigate toxic effect of Cu+2 on seed germination, growth and morphological changes in tea seedlings. Different concentration of copper sulphate was applied on three different commercially cultivated tea varieties (TS-462, TS-520 and TS-463). The effect of different concentrations of copper (0.5 – 8 mM) on seed germination, root elongation and shoot elongation of the tea plant were evaluated. Percent germination was found to decrease progressively with increasing concentrations of Cu+2. Maximum reduction of seed germination was showed by TS-463. Several damaging effects such as reduced root hair proliferation, structural deformation and reduction in length of root and shoot were observed when the germinated seedlings were allowed to grow at higher concentrations of copper solutions. Decrease in the dry mass of both root and shoot were also recorded. The results showed that excess copper have negative effect on germination of tea seeds and subsequent growth of the seedlings.enTea seedlingsCopperGerminationGrowthEffect of copper on seed germination, root elongation and shoot elongation of seedlings of commercially cultivated tea varietiesNBU Journal of Plant Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 1, March-2013, pp. 43-49Article