Rai, Sambhavna2021-03-222021-03-222020-030976-3570https://ir.nbu.ac.in/handle/123456789/4022The concept of Right to privacy with that of data protection has gained enormous attention over the years. With the technological advancement our society has witnessed transformation both good and bad in abundance. Talking about the social transformation it is pertinent to mention that traditional society abhorred privacy and there were hardly any data to be protected . But time changed and society valued their seclusion and preferred to be left alone without interference from other fellow human beings. With the mushrooming borderless technology people became even more conscious of their data and valued privacy unlike their forefather who abhorred it.enPrivacyDataSocial changeLegal and Regulatory Issues of Privacy and Data Protection in E-Commerce and Social TransformationIndian Journal of Law and Justice, Vol. 11, No. 1, Part. III, March-2020, pp. 308-316Article