Das, Beauty2022-09-152022-09-152022-030976-4496https://ir.nbu.ac.in/handle/123456789/4635This outline of the Dynamics of Reason: Its History and Development is based on theidea that this can be illustrated employing a historical analysis of the conception of reason.Though the term “reason”has been used in different contexts but through this paper, my main aim is to find out the nature of reason by illustrating the conception of reason as the faculty of the human mind and its effects on human life. This article clearly shows the development of the conception of Reason by analyzing the viewpoints of different philosophers (from the ancient Greek period to the enlightenment epoch) regarding this notion. It also spreads light on what kind of key role reason plays to constitute human nature as well as to understand the nature of the world.enReasonRationalityLogosMindSoulKnowledgeDynamics of reason: its history and developmentPhilosophical Papers Journal of Department of Philosophy, Vol. XVIII, March- 2022, pp. 211-223Article