Sarkar, ASarkar, SDas, AP2022-06-032022-06-032009-030974-6927 impact of Human intervention on species composition, biomass and soil structure in the exploited and unexploited areas of Shorea robusta forest in a part of Gorumara National Park has been evaluated. The areas are adjacent to the Bichhabhanga-Saraswati Eco-Development Committee. The tree species are identical to both areas but differ in their density, frequency and IVI. Tree biomass is smaller in disturbed areas as compared to non-disturbed areas. Due to over exploitation changes occurred in the physical characters of soil. Crown cover also varies significantly within the two sites.enSpecies compositionHuman interventionIVICrown coverSoilJFMChange of vegetation structure in Gorumara National Park due to anthropogenic interferencesNBU Journal of Plant Sciences, Vol. 3, March-2009, pp. 71-76Article