Pain, Swapan Kumar2021-03-042021-03-042016-032229-4880 contemporary trend of Indian history writing is 'history from below '. It means a number of historians have focused on the writing of the history of marginalized people or the common people who are discarded from the arena of mainstream of history. Recently, an attempt has been made to write the history of marginalized people or marginalized areas. Dinajpur is such kind a District where galaxy of historical incidents took place but till now the scholars are hardly attempted to write the peoples ' history of Dinajpur. After the end of World War II Bengal had to face a series of popular protest movements and Dinajpur was no exception to that. Primarily these movements were started by the then opposition parties i.e. left forces and it became spontaneous. 1 Even the ordinary people without any party affiliation joined these movements in great number and the District witnessed many protest movements in Colonial and of course Post-Colonial period.enPopular Protest Movements of Dinajpur in Post-Colonial Bengaland the Role of Left Political Parties: A Micro Level StudyKaratoya : North Bengal University journal of History, Vol. 9, March-2016, pp. 96-103Article