Raha, Sylvia2020-11-092020-11-0931-03-20172348-6538https://ir.nbu.ac.in/handle/123456789/3594The conventional predominance of the Bengali Swarnakars in jewellery making is on the wane as the non-Bengali karigars are taking their place. Making jewellery is no longer a caste occupation in the Hindu social order as non-swarnakars are also finding a place in the craft. Counted in the informal sector the karigars are subjected to the crudest form of exploitation which leads to their alienation at work place. The elements of estrangement pervade their family and social life.enSwarnakar,Family lifeJewellery trade,Karigars,Alienation,Everyday life of the jewellery karigars in siliguri : case studySocial Trends, Vol. 4, 31-March-2017, pp. 146-156Article