Chatterjee, Sangeeta2021-03-192021-03-192020-030976-3570 Pound, the profounder of Social Engineering Theory has clearly declared that, the function of law is nothing but to serve the society. Truly speaking, law and society have a close nexus between themselves and one cannot be imagined without the other. Primary function of law is to serve the society. Only law has the power to establish peace and tranquillity in the society. As such, law always has the power to bring social change. On the contrary, social change brings legal change and an old law becomes obsolete in a new society. Therefore, there exists a cause-and-effect type of relationship between law and society, wherein change in one side always brings change in the other side. Owing to this contention, law is considered as an instrument of social change.enLive-in RelationshipRights of PartiesSocio-Legal ScenarioSupreme CourtLegal Recognition of Live-In Relationship: An Emerging Trend of Social Transformation in IndiaIndian Journal of Law and Justice, Vol. 11, No. 1, Part. II, March-2020, pp. 1-16Article