Mukherjee, SayaniDam, BombaSen, Sukannta K2022-06-052022-06-052010-030974-6927 doub le hdkol DN A s lrurturc vorlcs from one s pecie., to oth er. Donel DNA Is nl so ovn llnblc In the cell. Bending is c.xprcs$c<l by the supcrcolling of DNA s1ruc111rc. The mcc l1111ilsm of DNA bending Is brl.'led on two hnsk models: th e A-Trnct model where th e phnslng o f 6/J\ residues nrc lm po rtnnt nnd In -Jun cti o n bending modd. where lhe hc1cro ny111ous poly (dA), poly (dT) nnd B-DNA Juncll on nrc res po nsibl e fo r causing bcn,I i n the hell:\ nxi s. DNA bend ing hos scvcrul impli c111lons, like tronscrlption, rcpll cntion, rcgulntil1 n etc., 1hnt ind uce th e protein• protein nnd protein-DNA in1crnc1lo n. Thi s DNA bend ing mechanis m with multidimens ional 011ribu1cs has importnnt npplicotlons such os dru g prcporoti o n. cance r thempy nnd so 011 .enBacteriaSupercoiling;HeteronumousCancer therapyDNA and its bending: a glimpse of mechanism and implication in bacteriologyNBU Journal of Plant Sciences, Vol. 4, March-2010, pp. 57-63Article