Beri, Suraj2020-10-202020-10-202019-032348-6538 paper explains the relationship between elite practices and elite claims. It argues that empirical focus on the discrepancy between elite accounts of their self and their practices can be one of the core areas of the methodological dimensions of elite research. It would demonstrate the complex of nature social inequalities and its reproduction. It concludes by arguing that field work in elite research can be made more fruitful by paying close attention to observational data and hence empirical research may look beyond “what is said” and to reach closer to “what is done”enElitepracticesspacesubjectivityfieldworksocial inequalitystatesociety relationsElites and Field of Power: Methodological Reflections from BikanerSocial Trends, Vol. 6, March-2019, pp. 113-124Article