Roy, Sinjini2022-09-192022-09-192022-032348-6538 the social science circle, it is widely claimed that modernity and the liberal ideology have brought a high degree of individualism, social differentiation, fragmentation and atomization in societies across the globe. The neo-liberal social order makes life highly competitive and insecure and creates new social hierarchies while promoting fetishized consumption, a false sense of consumption-based happiness while adding wind to the process of atomization. The inevitable casualty of this is the erosion of the collective social spirit based on fellow-feeling and attrition of compassion or empathy for the fellow members. Jean- Jacques Rousseau, Claude Levi-Strauss and many other social scientists have lamented this turn of events and given a call for rediscovering “pity” or “empathy” in social life and social management. Many social scientists are now echoing this need of the hour while drawing support for their discourses from the Buddhist philosophy and streams of modern Western philosophy. Broadly, the discussions on empathy or compassion as a social rule encompasses the question of morality and humanism in social praxis. This paper is an attempt to understand how empathy is conceived by some philosophers and social scientists and how it works in different shades in the life of the modern middleclass people in the urban Indian context.enEmpathyanti-empathymiddleclassurbanelderlyconjugal lifecare crisisEmpathy: A Rule of Social RelationsSocial Trends, Vol. 9, 31-March-2022, pp. 90-106Article