Ghosh, GangotreeDhar, Samirendra Nath2020-05-112020-05-112015-032321-0370 gaps between Statutory Tax Rates and Effective Tax Rates of companies in India have been observed for more than a decade and the tax base has been eroded through a steadily escalating range of exemptions. The study observes that due to these gaps there has been a substantial loss of tax revenue for the government from corporate taxes. The study examines various variables which influence Effective Tax Rates and bring to focus the role of accelerated depreciation allowance in reducing tax liabilities. Perceptions of corporate tax mangers various aspects of depreciation allowance for tax planning have also been explored in this context.enEffective Tax RatesStatutory Tax RatesTax RevenueDepreciation AllowanceEffective Corporate Tax Rates and Role of Accelerated Depreciation Allowance in IndiaAnweshan - journal of Department of Commerce, Vol. 3, No. 1, March-2015, pp. 112 - 129Article