Ghosh, Molly2020-10-122020-10-122014-032348-6538 paper highlights how a new stereotyped image of an individual Indian woman is projected in the mainstream media and the way this redefined image becomes a convenient site for negotiation between the traditional past and the contemporary market driven society. It also calls this homogenous feminine image a myth and shows how large sections of women remain outside this new image. The objective is to raise a question whether media is just reasserting the interplay of neo-liberal and patriarchal values or contributing to any meaningful empowerment of women.englobalisationliberalisationprivatisationcommodificationconsumer culturetechnologies of genderculture industrypostfeminismsexualityunorganised sectorsuper womanQuestioning the ‘Superwoman’: Gender Image portrayal in Indian Mainstream Media since 1990’sSocial Trends, Vol. 1, No. 1, March-2014, pp. 24-34Article