Pradhan, Ashika2021-03-222021-03-222020-030976-3570 a change in trends of society law too transforms itself with thechanging needs. Where law has an important significance in the development of the society, education also plays a vital role. Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome popularly known as HIV AIDS has been the most devastating disease humanity has ever faced. It has been a major health concern amongst every people in today’s time. Along with health constrain AIDS bring with them stereotypes, prejudices and unfair treatment. Despite enactment of laws for the prevention of discrimination amongst people with HIV, there has been steady increase in the cases of societal stigma and vices amongst HIV infected person. Thus, the only resort or mechanism in eradicating this grief is through the medium of education. Thus, the present paper aims at studying various national and international legal frameworks for the protection and rights of HIV AIDS victims and the need to educate common people as well as the person infected with HIV about their rights and given protection. As in most cases the reason for discrimination has always been lack of proper knowledge and awareness about given rights and protection.enHIVAIDSdiscriminationstigmaeducationawarenessPrevention of Stigmatisation of HIV/AIDS and The Role of LawIndian Journal of Law and Justice, Vol. 11, No. 1, Part. III, March-2020, pp. 36-46Article