Kadam (Wadikar), ShivkanyaLokhande, Ankita R.2023-12-262023-12-262023-090976-3570https://ir.nbu.ac.in/handle/123456789/5068Objective of the present study was to find out importance of forensic science from the point of view of the investigating officers i.e., police. The police officers who are involved in the work of crime investigation in the city of Nagpur, Maharashtra, India were selected as a sample of the study. The data was collected by personally visiting randomly selected police stations and distributing the questionnaire to the investigating officers there at. In all total 152 participants data was collected and analysed. The results indicated that near about all the investigating officers were aware about forensic science and its utility in the process of crime investigation. Similarly, participants agreed with the fact that crime scene management plays very important role in the process of investigation. , ,enPolice perspectiveCrime investigationForensic scienceImportanceCrime scene managementEmpirical Analysis of Police Perceptions about Role of Forensic Science in Crime InvestigationIndian Journal of Law and Justice, Vol. 14, No. 02, September-2023, pp. 180-198Article