Tirkey, John Breakmas2020-10-162020-10-162015-032348-6538https://ir.nbu.ac.in/handle/123456789/3524The term ‘ethnicity’ has its origin in the distant past but it has acquired new significance and dimension in recent times, which, in broad sense, encompasses a form of social organization, sense of kinship, group solidarity, language, tradition and culture, identified objectively and subjectively. The present paper attempts to study the cultural dimension of ethnic identity of the Oraon tribe of North Bengal, which is one of the largest and the earliest inhabitants among the tribal communities in the region. The Oraons have a very rich stock of cultural heritage and tradition- real and mythical, which forms the basis of their ethnic identity, which has acquired a new significance in recent times in the new world order.enSelf-ascriptionMythological origin,Ethnic consciousnessBonding mechanismCultural dimension of ethnic identity: study on the Oraon tribe of North BengalSocial Trends, Vol. 2, No. 1 March-2015, pp. 103-110Article