Baruah, Jayanta2021-10-212021-10-212021-030976-3570 time immemorial women have been deprived of their fundamental rights and liberty. Resulting they are still remain backward. It has been realised that ignoring women participation in politics our democratic government cannot be successful. Hence, women empowerment must get top priority in contemporary time. The Government of India is taking some positive steps for women empowerment. So question arises about women empowerment whether it is myth or reality? In this paper the author will try to examine the status of women in society, attainment of Education, especially higher education and their participation in politics to examine their level of empowerment.enEmpowermentDiscriminationParticipationResponsibilitiesAnalytical Study of Women Empowerment in the Light of their Social Status, Political Participation and Attainment of Education- A Myth or RealityIndian Journal of Law and Justice, Vol. 12, No. 01, March-2021, pp. 92-108Article