Biswas, Samar KumarSharma, Gaurav2024-08-022024-08-0220242320-8376 diverse and intriguing world of exotic food and beverages within the Limbu community, an indigenous group, of the Himalayan and Sub-Himalayan regions boast a rich culinary heritage deeply entwined with their cultural roots and local ecosystems. From fermented soybean delicacies like Kinema to various traditional dishes, the article delves into the unique flavours and preparation methods that define Limbu cuisine. Additionally, traditional beverages like Tongba and Jaar add a distinctive touch to the exploration of this culinary landscape. The discussion extends to the broader context of preserving and celebrating indigenous food traditions in the face of modern influences. Through this exploration, readers gain insights into the exotic gastronomic treasures of the Limbu people, highlighting the importance of cultural preservation and appreciation in the realm of diverse global cuisines.enTraditionalFoodCultureLimbuHimalayasGlobalisationExotic Food and Beverages of the Limbus in the Himalayas and Sub-Himalayan RegionNorth Bengal Anthropologist, Vol. 11-12, 2024, pp. 1-12Article