Roy, Sinjini2023-11-032023-11-032023-03-312348-6538 ages, the aged in India lived in the care of their children, grandchildren, other family members, close kin, and neighbours. However, in recent times, especially in the urban middle-class context, a growing number of elderly are made to live lonely lives in their own house or apartment, mainly under the care of hired service providers or in old age homes. In such living arrangements, the elderly, with broken health and multiple ailments, live amidst insecurities, fear of illness and death, the pain of living alone and away from children, who are now dispersed to different places, and so on. They live with the happy memory of living amid close ones and with never-ending longing for their children and grandchildren who live afar. The care crisis, thus construed, is rooted in some radical changes in the life world of urban middle class families over the last two-three generations, especially in the post-Independence period. The modernity-induced rationalization of life, reflected in fertility checks, careerism, and spatial movements of the younger generation, which have grown manifold in the recent decades of globalization, have contributed to this crisis.enCare crisisDropping fertilityOld age homesDispersal of family membersSingle member households.Living in Care Crisis: The Case of the Urban Middle- Class Elderly in IndiaSOCIAL TRENDS Peer-reviewed National Journal of the Department of Sociology of North Bengal University, Vol.10, 31st March 2023, pp. 67-90Article