Talukdar, Sougata2021-03-182021-03-182020-030976-3570https://ir.nbu.ac.in/handle/123456789/3975Social Change is the obvious requirement of the time and its abstract idea evinces change of characteristics of a group of people. The adaptation and enforcement of the Constitution of India was the path breaking event in the Indian socio-political structure. Since then the Constitution of India has travelled a long way through various amendments to adapt the requirements of time. The Constitutional philosophy in India relating to social change derived from the schemes of the preamble, fundamental rights and directive principles of state policy. All these parts explain various factors and freedoms which are the basic requirements of the prospective social changes. With the modernisation of the society, the Constitutional goals as mentioned in the preamble and various rights and sureties under Part III and IV the Constitution are shaping day by day with new outlooks. This new trend to interpret the Constitutional provisions by the Judiciary to bring the required social changes projects the Constitution as an instrument of social change. Thus, this Article primarily enquires about the Constitutional inputs to the social change in India.enConstitutionSocial changeJudiciaryConstitution and its Importance to Bring Social Change in IndiaIndian Journal of Law and Justice, Vol. 11, No. 1, Part. I, March-2020, pp. 89-103Article