Dubey, RajeevMishra, Praveen2023-12-262023-12-262023-090976-3570https://ir.nbu.ac.in/handle/123456789/5067research paper delves into the complex and multifaceted phenomenon of Godmen in India and examines it through a gender lens. Godmen, also known as spiritual leaders or gurus, wield significant influence over their followers, often with implications for gender dynamics in society. This study aims to shed light on the socio-legal aspects of this phenomenon from a gender perspective, analyzing the role of these new religious formations in reinforcing or challenging gender norms and the legal challenges and implications of their actions. It also looks through the obligation of the state in contemporary times to provide safeguard to its citizens from the debilitating effects of these new religious movements.enGodmenGenderEthnographyCelibacyReligious SocializationExploring the Socio-Legal Dimensions of Godmen Phenomena in India: A Gendered AnalysisIndian Journal of Law and Justice, Vol.14 No.02, (September 2023), pp 167 - 179Article