Bhowmik, ArkadipBasak, Arindam2024-02-092024-02-092022-020972-0766 labours in urban areas of West Bengal are predominantly main workers while in rural areas they are predominantly marginal workers. The presence of job seeking children is also high in rural areas. In this state males are working more as main workers and females are more prominent as marginal workers. Urban areas of the state are ge61erating long time works for children in informal sectors but in rural areas children are working in agricultural fields . Moreover, the presence of child labour is more related with urban population and per capita income. In this state poverty condition is driving the children towards working in urban and rural areas. ~n urbanized distracts like Kolkata presence of child labours are prominent due to in migration of many poor families.enChild labourWork Participation RateMain WorkersMarginal WorkersChild Labour : A Study On Prevailing Conditions Across The Districts Of West Bengal In 2011Journal of the Asiatic Society Mumbai, UGC Care Group I Journal, Vol.96, No.02 (1), February-2022, pp. 1Article