Kaushal, Mona2021-02-222021-02-222013-032278-4039https://ir.nbu.ac.in/handle/123456789/3699The history of local governance as a catalyst for socio, economic, cultural and political transformation is as old as Indian civilization itself. Realizing the potential of the Panchayati Raj system, the Government of India made a landmark Amendment to the Constitution designed to democratise and empower local political bodies. The central aim of this paper is to share the enriching and variable experiences of Rural Women in the system of rural local self-government for rural development after the 73rd Amendment, which has become a watershed in deepening democracy and evolution of a third tier of constitutionally guaranteed stratum of government in India. The paper captures their experience and explores the participation, performance, constraints, aspirations, supports of various social institutions and their performance.enRural development73rd amendmentRural womenPanchayatsEmpowerment.Emerging Leadership of Rural Women in New PanchayatsJournal of Political Studies, Vol. 7, March-2013, pp. 37-45Article