Majumdar, Baishali2022-09-142022-09-142022-030976-4496 was a renowned academician, intellectual figure who was achieved a reputation not only in India but also around the globe. He defines philosophy as a ―logical enquiry into the nature of reality.‖1If we widely explain his conception of philosophy it should include a systematic study of almost every aspect of life in the Universe. For him, the Absolute or the Ultimate reality should be such that everything could be resolved in it but it will not be resolved into anything else. He advocated an idealistic kind of philosophy i.e., also can be known as Monistic Idealism. He synthesises AdvaitaVedȃnta and the Philosophy of Absolute Idealism. He was well-versed as the great bridge builder between the east and the west. In describing the relationship between philosophy and religion he suggests that we should make religion philosophical as far as possible rather than to make philosophy, religious. The present paper proposes to explain the nature of philosophy which was propounded by S. Radhakrishnan; secondly, examine the relationship between philosophy and religion; thirdly, what is his opinion about the Spirit following him; fourthly, what is he said about religious experience and intuitive apprehension and lastly, how was he known as a bridge builder between the east and the west.enMonistic IdealismSpiritReligiousExperienceIntuitive apprehensionBridge builderConception of philosophy and the east west synthesis in S. Radhakrishnan: an explorationPhilosophical Papers Journal of Department of Philosophy, Vol. XVIII, March- 2022, pp. 142-150Article