Nair, Vinita2024-06-052024-06-052024-030976-4496 Bhagavad Gita is a wonderful source of philosophical guidance due to the fact that it combines the information that has endured the test of time with the psychological substance that is there. Individuals who are looking for healing from their inner troubles are provided with the opportunity to improve themselves while also obtaining solace and understanding through Osho's interpretations on Gita, which boost its status to that of a psychological advisor. In a time when contemporary civilization is struggling with complex psychological issues, the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, as expounded by Osho, throw light on a route that leads to profound self-awareness and ultimate well-being. This research paper explores the concept of philosophical counselling within the framework of Bhagavad Gita, focusing on the interpretations of Osho. It examines how the Bhagavad Gita offers psychological relief to individuals seeking answers to existential questions. The paper also delves into Osho's unique perspective on the Gita and his portrayal of it as a psychological guide rather than just a philosophical text. By analyzing Osho's approach, this paper aims to shed light on the psychological dimensions of the Gita and its significance in contemporary philosophical counselling.enPhilosophical CounsellingBhagavad GitaPsychological ReliefExistential QuestionsOshoPhilosophical counselling in the context of bhagavad Gita: with reference to oshoPhilosophical Papers Journal of Department of Philosophy, Vol. XX, March- 2024, pp. 131-146Article