Ray, Antara2020-10-122020-10-122014-032348-6538https://ir.nbu.ac.in/handle/123456789/3484Historically, women in general and of India in particular are persistently exploited, victimized and discriminated. Dalit women being dalit and women at the same time are located in a ‘place’ where the systemic as well as patriarchal forces, both from without and within, work to make their subjugation perpetual. The paper gives a social narrative of the saga of dalit women in Post-colonial India.enCasteismuntouchabilitygender discriminationdalit womensaffronisationsanskritisationpatriarchyvarna systemRe-thinking Dalit Women in Post-colonial IndiaSocial Trends, Vol. 1, No. 1, March-2014, pp. 35-42Article