Majumder, Abhirupa2021-02-222021-02-222013-032278-4039 linchpin of the present paper is an endeavor to comprehend the nature of the ethno-regional movements in India. Henceforward, the present paper attempts a comparative analysis of both the Bodoland and Kamtapur movements,on the basis of some resemble traits, in terms of their historical context. Besides the issue of political process and development of both the states i.e. Assam and West Bengal, which obliged both the aboriginal communities to assert their voice against their centuries old political system and the respective governments and thus claim for a separate state,has also taken into consideration which in turn constitutes the crux of the present paperenEthno-Regional movementBodoland Movement;Kamtapur MovementEthno-Regional Movements At Sub-State Level The Bodoland And Kamtapur MovementsJournal of Political Studies, Vol. 7, March-2013, pp. 01-27Article