Sarkar, Prabir K2022-06-012022-06-012007-030974-6927 term 'fermented food" is defined as any food that has been subjected to the action of microorganisms or enzymes so that desirable biochemical changes cause significant modification of the food. Fermented foods enjoy worldwide popularity as attractive, wholesome and nutritious components of our diet. In the past, household-level fermentation technology originated and evolved through trial and error experiences gathered by successive generations of food producers. Only relatively recently have science and technology started to a better understanding of the underlying principles of the fermentation processes and of the essential requirements to ensure nutritional and sensory qualities as well as safety of fermented foods.enHousehold-levelFermentation technologyFood safetyFood infectionFood intoxicationCan household-level fermentation technology assure food safety?NBU Journal of Plant Sciences, Vol. 1, March-2007, pp. 60-66Article