Das, Shankar Kr2021-03-082021-03-082015-032229-4880https://ir.nbu.ac.in/handle/123456789/3924The War and the national movement in Contai reflects the changes which gradually took place in the colonial policy of the British rule, and also in the varying attitudes of the people of India towards the British rule. During the Swadeshi movement the ยท attitude of the Indians towards the alien rule remained the same as before. But during the War the Indians became very much loyal to the government. The Nihar gives a date-wise list of the meetings in which the speakers put before the people the necessity of joining the British Army, and of giving war-loans to Britain and of remaining loyal to the government. It was then expected that the War would soon come to an end and then the Indians would attain Swaraj i.e. liberty and self government, and development in all respects. This time it was found that the Indians started donating to the Imperial Relief Fund through Post Offices, and they felt eager to enlist themselves for being recruited for the Army.enwarnational movementNiharBritish ArmySwarajImperial Relief FundThe Great War and the Movement in Contai (1914-1919)Karatoya : North Bengal University journal of History, Vol. 8, March-2015, pp. 111-116Article