Khatun, Hena2020-10-162020-10-162018-032348-6538 sexual diversity was prominent in ancient India, heterosexuality has become the norm of present times. People with different sexual orientation other than heterosexuality are subjected to various forms of violence and are made to live on the margin of society. This paper, which is based on existing literatures and newspaper articles, aims at first to discuss the diverse sexual past of Indian society and how with the advent of colonial rule, heterosexuality became the dominant and only ‘accepted’ form of sexuality. It also aims at discussing the trajectory of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Transgender) movement in India and the role of various NGOs and other organization in it. At last there are some suggestions regarding social acceptability of sexual diversity which if comes along with legal safeguards, would create a better society.enSexualitysection 377(Indian Penal Code-IPC)LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Transgender)LGBT Movement in IndiaSocial Trends, Vol. 5, March-2018, pp. 217-224Article