Md Arif RayhanMohd. Tarajul Islam Khan2021-03-182021-03-182020-030976-3570 Bangladesh was once a part of British Empire for almost two hundred years, which became East Pakistan (a part of State of Pakistan) after separation in 1947. After proclamation of independence on 26th March 1971, Bangladesh finally emerged as independent nation on 16th December 1971 through liberation struggle, which was sparked by Bengali nationalist and self-determination movement. Constitution, which is the solemn expression of people’s will and supreme law of the Republic, was adopted on 4th November 1972 based on fundamental principles like nationalism, socialism, democracy and secularism. For the realization of aims stated in the preamble, number of fundamental rights has been incorporated in Constitution and the State is duty bound to secure such rights through democratic process. Moreover, fundamental principles of state policy were also narrated and socialist society was envisioned- setting economic, social and political goals for governance. These principles are fundamental to the governance, which shall be applied in making law, interpreting Constitution and form the basis of State’s works. Since the adoption of Constitution, several amendments have taken place till the date depending upon the changing situations, political needs and developments; still there is room left for modifications. Fundamental Principles of State Policy, Fundamental Rights and Constitutional Amendments-all these factors have great social impact for bringing social changes. This paper aims to find how these three factors influence social changes, along with their impact and acceptability; whether there remain harmony between constitutional amendments and social changes in Bangladesh and lastly, to suggest some operative measures to direct the way of social changes caused by above mentioned factors in positive way as much as possible for attaining the principle aims and ideals of the Constitution.enHistoryFundamental Principles of State PoliciesFundamental RightsConstitutional AmendmentsSocial ChangesThe Constitution of People’s Republic of Bangladesh - solemn expression of people’s will; a legal basis of social changesIndian Journal of Law and Justice, Vol. 11, No. 1, Part. I, March-2020, pp. 234-263Article