Kalet, SurendraPujari, Saswat Chandra2022-09-192022-09-192022-032348-6538https://ir.nbu.ac.in/handle/123456789/4657Technology has positively changed the educational system in which we live. Digitalisation has enhanced the educational process, making it even more charming. Today, technology plays a crucial part in education. Traditional procedures have been supplanted by new modes of teaching and learning in education. Digital technology can assist students in gaining massive amounts of information, providing them with the ability to be self-directed and access to educational assets. But the positive effects that go along with the negative ones should not be overlooked. This paper discusses how diverse methods of teaching and learning could be suitable for students with the usage of digital technology; the importance of technology in the educational sector; and how the use of technology could open up new opportunities and bring challenges in the field of education.enDigital technologyeducationopportunitieschallengeseveryday lifeDigital Technology in Education: An AssessmentSocial Trends, Vol. 9, 31-March-2022, pp. 1092-215Article