Bandyopadhyay, Souradipta2024-06-142024-06-142024-030976-3570 criminal activities pose a grave peril not only to our present life but to our future as well. Unfortunately, national borders do not restrict environmental crimes such as forestry and wildlife offences. These crimes often occur hand to hand with other types of offences. Unlike any other crimes, green crimes pose a threat to human existence. Thus it's high time to safeguard the floras and faunas of our nation. The forest areas of North Bengal are not only a blessing of nature but also a dwelling place for numerous exotic species. A considerable amount of forest cover is situated under the demography of North Bengal. However, this heaven is not secure anymore. Due to its crucial position, this area has become a transit point of trans-boundary crimes and trafficking. Despite strict vigil and numerous legislations, it is becoming difficult to counter such diverse crimes. Through this following piece of work, the author has thus attempted to accentuate the forestry and wildlife crimes that are transpiring right now in this region along with their causes and reasons. The paper also has tried to touch the grey areas of this aspect to understand the contemporary scenario of this region. To discover the above-stated reasons the researcher has taken reference from various primary and secondary data. Finally, the researcher has also endeavored to furnish acuities to constrain the ongoing menace and prevent the circumstances of the forest areas of North Bengal.enWildlife CrimesOrganized CrimeTraffickingReserve ForestsPoachersEnvironmentA Socio- Legal Analysis of the Forestry and Wildlife Offences with Special Reference to North Bengal RegionIndian Journal of Law and Justice, Vol. 15, No. 01, March-2024, pp. 400-415Article